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More than 2000 installations in 5 continents guarantee our brand.



A physico-chemical plant is a system based in a chemical reaction that produces a flocculation of the impurities in the water and a physical separation by gravity in a decanter.
Normally, the precipitation or flocculation is facilitated by a series of additives that make the floccules larger, therefore easier to separate in the decanter.
In some cases, a filter-press is installed after the decanter, to dry the mud produce by it.


Physico-chemical depuration has 4 stages:

1) Storage, homogenization and selective pumping, so that depending on the type of water, a previous treatment will be applied before neutralization.

2) Neutralization stage, once the water to be treated have been homogenized, it is important to neutralize them to facilitate flocculation and coagulation that precedes it, this system is installed or design considering the volumes to be treated and the characteristics of the contaminated water.

3) Flocculation-Coagulation stage, depending on the organic or inorganic characteristics of the water to be treated, we have different chemical products (Flocculants and Cationic and Anionic Coagulants) that facilitated this process and are studied and tested in our lab to optimized the process.

4) Decantation Stage (Clarification – Sedimentation). The sedimented solids are taken to a sludge thickener tank and then can be passed to a filter press, centrifuged or sent to a waste manager depending on the volume.

Depending on the case, the clarified water can be sent to a biological treatment, reuse or direct discharge.

It is important to send water flows and representative samples, so that we can carry out the best technical and economical analysis of the physico-chemical system.
All pilot tests will be made in our lab in Barcelona.

With all this tests, information about product consumption is obtained. These products are distributed by C&G IBÉRICA.

water treatment plants


Biological treatment or active sludge system is a water secondary treatment that uses a wide variety of microorganisms. These microorganisms turn biodegradable organic material dissolved in wastewater that escaped the first treatment, into carbon dioxide, water and energy for its own development and reproduction. 

The active sludge system is a technique that eliminates up to 99% of suspended solids and up to 95% of diluted organic material. The great difficulty that these facilities present lies in the daily management of the systems by the personnel in charge.

For this treatment to be effective it is needed that the relation DQO/DBO in the water is compensated, so that microorganism can work in the whole process.

At C&G IBERICA, we run all the necessary pilot tests to guarantee the efficiency of the system. 

Thanks to our experience working with this technology we can project installations for great treatment volumes.